With the current energy crisis and rising prices hitting millions of people across the globe, is it time for our governments to be ramping up investment in renewable energy. This will help end our reliance on fossil fuels and generate more clean energy, enabling us to reach targets for carbon reduction.
There are three main reasons people may choose to adopt a vegan or flexitarian diet. The first reason is what most people probably associate veganism with and that’s animal welfare. The second is for the health benefits and third for environmental reasons. Let’s unpack each of these in a little more detail to see whether veganism really is something worth considering, even if only part-time.
By now we have all seen headlines that this is ‘Code Red for Humanity’. Despite the alarming phrase, the report also stressed that it is not too late for us to reduce our impact and limit the more dire consequences. But how do we as individuals stand a chance of making any difference and how would we even go about doing this?
As the Christmas season rapidly approaches, here at Refill Mill we’re putting out a slightly different message than you might expect from your average retailer at any time of year, let alone at this time of year, and that is:
There are so many great reasons for switching to shopping refillable products rather than buying your goods wrapped up in plastic. Check out our latest blog to find out our top 5!